Motivation is that key which can open up lost souls. It is something which has made miracles come alive in varied lives of people. Whenever you feel down then motivation is something which can pull you upwards by igniting your heart with rays of hope. It is an essential part of our lives (Success Story, 2017). 
  • Sparks the light in your heart. When you are sad and have left no faith in yourself then motivation can spark up your heart. Motivation is extremely important in life. It will give you the strength for fighting the daily struggles and battles of your life (Success Story, 2017). 
  • Builds self belief. Motivation helps you to believe in yourself and the powers within you. It is always essential for you to stay motivated and have faith in your own self (Success Story, 2017). 
  • Encourages to perform your best. Motivation is the best key for encouragement. It helps a lot in your life; in making hectic decisions; in perusing life goals; in taking risks etc. There is no absolute end to the positive results obtained from motivation. Nothing is impossible in this vast universe and this aspect is what reminded to while you get motivated (Success Story, 2017). 
  • Avoids self doubt. Motivation teaches that you should let go of the doubts you possess in your heart. Let go of all the negativity you have in your heart. You should always stay positive and have belief in your soul. If you have self-doubts then you can never be successful in life (Success Story, 2017). 
  • Makes you optimistic. Motivation gives you an extreme amount of hope. You become a super optimistic person and this makes you invincible. Motivation makes you realize that you can achieve whatever you dream about; no matter how vast it is, you just have to grab it and become successful by working hard in that direction (Success Story, 2017). 



❝Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological aggressive behavior by a person or group directed toward...