Laughter has been proven to enhance the state of our physical, emotional and mental well-being, in fact as well as relieving the pressure and stress that goes hand-in-hand with modern life, laughing (and we mean really laughing) for at least 15 minutes a day has been proven to strengthen the immune system, increase muscle mobility, reduce cravings and even make people more resistant to pain (Mind of Kennedy, 2017). 

From a scientific point of view, humour and laughter increases the production of certain hormones, including endorphins and neurotransmitters, whilst lowering those associated with stress, i.e. adrenaline, cortisone, epinephrine and dopamine, which will explain why it has such a positive impact on our moods (Mind of Kennedy, 2017). 

Laughter also puts the diaphragm, abdomen and other body muscles through their paces, giving a similar effect to physical exercise to promote better heart health, increased immunity and improved antibody production. In addition to this, there are a variety of social benefits that make laughter an important part of life, and laughing with others has been proven to be more beneficial than laughing alone (Mind of Kennedy, 2017). 

  • Laughter relaxes the whole body. You can relieve stress and relax your body and muscles for up to an hour (Manfredi, 2015). 
  • Laughter boosts the immune system. Believe it or not, laughter can increase your immunity which helps you fight off disease (Manfredi, 2015). 
  • Laughter signals the release of endorphins, the natural chemical that helps us feel good. Endorphins can also relieve minor pain temporarily (Manfredi, 2015). 
  • Laughter improves blood circulation. Good hearty laughs on a regular basis help improve the blood flow through your body and strengthen your heart function (Manfredi, 2015). 
  • Laughter improves your mental health: 
    • Laughter relieves sad or distressing emotions. It moves your focus and attention from negative thoughts and emotions. You can’t feel anxious, angry, or sad when you’re in the midst of a deep belly laugh. It also helps replacing negative thoughts (Manfredi, 2015). 
    • Laughter relaxes your mind and recharges your energy. A good laugh can reduce your stress, increase your energy, and help you stay focused (Manfredi, 2015). 
    • Laughter improves your problem solving skills. It can help you see another perspective of an issue, thus allowing you to strategize different ways to solve the problem (Manfredi, 2015). 



❝Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological aggressive behavior by a person or group directed toward...